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CCSPA has been representing the interests of member companies since 1958. CCSPA has 42 member companies in 84 facilities across Canada. We are a $5.5 billion industry directly employing over 8,000 people. Our annual exports are in excess of $2 billion.


CCSPA is the leading voice of our industry, ensuring risk-and science-based policies, regulations and legislation, while advancing the interests of its members.


CCSPA is the premier association for the consumer specialty products industry. If you are not a member, you should join today!

Contact usJoin CCSPACode of EthicsHealthy Cleaning 101

Si faire votre lessive vous-même au cours de la prochaine année scolaire est nouveau pour vous, consultez cette ressource pour apprendre à choisir le bon détergent :

If you are new to doing your own laundry during this school year, check this resource for getting started on choosing the right detergent:

Même si vos mains paraissent propres, elles peuvent être couvertes de bactéries et de germes. #Laverlesmains bien et souvent. Voyez ici comment bien les laver :

Even though your hands appear clean, they could still be covered in bacteria and germs. #washyourhands correctly and frequently. Learn how to wash them properly here:

Vous habitez Ottawa et avez perdu ou brisé votre boîte bleue? Appelez la ville au 3-1-1 pour recevoir une nouvelle boîte et continuer à recycler. #Recyclage

Are you living in Ottawa and lost or broke your blue bin? Call the city at 3-1-1 to receive a new bin and keep on recycling. #recycle